Monday, 23 April 2012

Spring Clean Up

 You know its officially spring when the city comes down the street sweeping up all the sand and gravel spread down on the icy roads all winter long.  Now I just have to get busy and rake the leaves off the grass and everything will be good.  There's a lot more leaves appearing on the trees and bushes now, yay, finally we'll have a little greenery around here.
 Made quite a bit of progress on Spring Alphabet this weekend.  I'm still battling the sinus infection so I spent a lot of time just stitching and watching TV on Sunday.

But I made up for it Saturday - went for a long walk with Denny and Mac, then went to the Childrens Hospital Book Fair and didn't buy a thing although there were a few books I checked out.  I was hoping for a couple cookbooks but there really wasn't that great of a selection.  They had a ton of Jean Pare cookbooks but neither the Square and Slice one or the Slow Cooker recipes.  Rats, was hoping to snag the two of them at the sale.

But I have added a few more titles to my kobo wish list :)

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