Sunday, 25 December 2011

Have a Merry little Christmas

Ari was the first one up, he got up just before 7 and sat right in front of the tree staring at the gifts.  He would have eagerly started the unwrapping frenzy but we told him he had to wait for his sister to get up and it was almost 8 before she finally wandered downstairs!

It was funny to see the different approaches the two of them took in opening their gifts.  Ari just ripped through everything and then wanted to help everyone else open their stuff.  Meanwhile Aliya would unwrap something then spend a few minutes exclaiming over it, and showing everyone.

Santa came through and got them both what they'd asked for - a remote control car for Ari and a Barbie camping set and camping Barbie for Aliya.  Thanks Santa!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Ornaments galore

Been stitching like crazy on ornaments, mostly by Little House Needleworks, and I'm making good progress.  Not sure if I'll get around to actually sewing them into ornaments to hang on the tree before Christmas this year, but at least I'll have a cute little collection when I do get busy and sew them up. I think next year I'll set myself a goal of an ornament a month, fully completed.  Maybe if I get in the habit of completely finishing them throughout the year, it will be easier.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

A Week After Thanksgiving

I can't believe tomorrow is December 1...... Already..... Christmas is just around the corner..... Eek!

Thanksgiving and Black Friday were different.  Would have been the regular old traditions, lots of good food, watching the Macy's Parade, a little shopping, perusing the stack of flyers except I felt lousy.  Spent most of the time on the couch but I did manage to get quite a bit of stitching done even if I couldn't taste dinner, and had no urge to do any shopping.  Figure it was a good way to save $$$. 

Did go out around 9 am to Joann's, Office Depot and Old Navy and got a few things I wanted.  But mostly spent a lot of time hanging around the house and relaxing.  All in all not a bad way to spend a holiday!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

More stitching

Finally finished the latest Lizzie Kate design I started, as well as part two of the 'Belle Etoile' SAL. Gonna be quite the feat to get part 3 completed next week with Thanksgiving and everything else.  Fingers crossed I actually manage it!  I was a little concerned that my color choices for threads was going to work but the more I get completed, the more I like the whole project!

We finally got our first significant snow, at times on the drive home last night it was really coming down and traffic was insane of course.  It did look pretty but then reality hit and I remembered shoveling and icy conditions and almost five months of the stuff hahahah!

My uncle was released from the hospital.  Apparently they'd taken him down for gall bladder surgery Thursday around dinner time but the surgeon changed his mind and sent him back to his room saying he didn't think he needed to have the surgery.  Ummm, what???  So he's home now with antibiotics and glad to be back there.  We're still shaking our heads at his week long 'adventure'.

Thursday, 17 November 2011


I made a little progress on both current projects yesterday.  Not sure about the green I've chosen for the Belle Etoile SAL pic but I'll stick with it for now. 

In other news one of my uncles has been in hospital since last Friday and so far the hospital has changed its diagnosis every day.  Oh wait, that's a lie, sometimes they just say they have no idea.  Not really the way to make you feel all warm and fuzzy about their capabilities eh!  So far he's had 'an infection' that morphed into a kidney infection and they were talking about removing a kidney, then they suggested perhaps it was a bowel infection, yesterday it was his gall bladder.  Tomorrow maybe it will be ebola.  LOL.  Yesterday they did tell him that he was having surgery for something today so we'll find out later if that's really true.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Bad Blogger.......already?

Wow, is this a new record or what, not even blogging again for a month and already I'm being a bad blogger and not posting anything for several days.   

Guess maybe it has something to do with a decided lack of progress on well...anything.   I spent most of Sunday afternoon working on a Lizzie Kate design only to discover just before bed that I'd screwed up by a couple stitches and it was going to screw up 3/4's of the design.  So all that came out and Monday's stitching was re-stitching that.  I'm moving equally slowly on the Belle Etoile SAL but at least I haven't mis-counted on that one..........yet!

We've had some more sprinkles of snow, nothing major but they are calling for a few cms later in the week.  Guess that will mean Winter has finally and officially arrived.  But in the meantime I'll live in the happy delusion that maybe it will be sunny and warm tomorrow :)

Friday, 11 November 2011

Remembrance Day

Managed to get two starts completed in the wee hours of the morning.  Maybe 11/11/11 is good luck!  Completed the first part of the SAL requirement and the Lizzie Kate 'Got Snow' ornament as well.  I haven't turned it into an actual ornament, but hey, at least its stitched!  That counts for some progress. 

Now comes the big decision, what to start today!  I've been looking through some of the LHN ornaments for this year, so maybe one of those will wind up on the Qsnaps.  Or maybe I should go back to the Prairie Schooler or the Janlynn kit. But meh, variety is the spice of life, right?  Something tells me I'll wind up starting something new!
The Act of Remembrance is an extract from the poem "For the Fallen" by Laurence Binyon

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

We will remember them.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

SAL Start

Finally got most of the house done for the first part of  A La Belle Etoile SAL.  Just need to stitch the roof but first I need to scrounge up a skein of DMC 3865.  With all the DMC I have around here, you'd think I'd never have any problems finding a color, but 3865 seems non existent.  Guess I'll have to make a trip to Michaels later.

Here's the progress pic, happy that the sparkly nature of the fabric shows through. It actually looks more blue in this photo than it does in real life. Its actually more grey with undertones of rose, hence the decision to swap out the original red color for the door to the pink.  Ah heck, who am I kidding, I just like pink better than red ;)

Wednesday, 9 November 2011


If there was an award for the most starts in one week I think I'd be in the running LOL.  Yesterday saw two new starts along with getting several loads of laundry done. Ah, I lead such an exciting life, don't I!  With the washer and dryer chugging merrily along I started Got Snow from Lizzie Kate's Tiny Tidings XIV, and the SAL by Threadbasket and C Mon Monde. I managed to get into the second round of the SAL and got the first part of the design yesterday.

I actually started it and got half the house done and then realized I'd screwed up and started it off center.  That resulted in me ripping out all my progress as the piece of fabric I'd finally chosen (Enchanted Fabrics Fall Foliage - pretty funny choice considering its a winter piece LOL).  So I guess take two is today.  I'm still not 100% certain of my thread choices, guess I'll just make snap decisions as I go along.  But then I'm still not positive on the fabric choice so this might turn out very very interesting. 

At least the Lizzie Kate ornament is coming along without any headaches, should be able to complete it today.  Good day to stay in, its trying to snow again.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Four Letter Word Time once again....

We got about 3 cm of snow over night.  Even when you're expecting it to happen any old time, its still a bit of shock that first morning when you go outside and have to deal with slippery streets and sidewalks, and snow covered stairs.  *sigh*  It hasn't melted yet so I guess we're stuck with it until March or so....

Worked a little yesterday on the Prairie Schooler Thanksgiving project while watching the NASCAR race from Texas.  Yay Tony, really really hope he manages to beat Carl Edwards for the Sprint Cup championship!  Thanksgiving Comes Again is coming along but for some reason just isn't the kind of project that's grabbed my attention.  Mid afternoon I set it aside and started a Janlynn kit I've had for years (and started before on 25 ct.)  Wound up ditching the original start and beginning again on 28 ct.  It's not exactly an 'one day' project so we'll see how long I stick with it until something else grabs my attention. Yup, in the midst of a serious case of 'startitis'.  And I was doing so good for a couple weeks with the finishes.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Another Try

I've tried blogging before and always lost interest after a few days.  It was fun to start then always just seemed like an awful lot  But hey I have time on my hands right now so may as well give it another go eh!

Right now I'm working on a Prairie Schooler design: Thanksgiving Comes Again, figure since I'm on a roll with their designs having recently finished Christmas Eve and When Witches Go Riding, I may as well stick with them.