If there was an award for the most starts in one week I think I'd be in the running LOL. Yesterday saw two new starts along with getting several loads of laundry done. Ah, I lead such an exciting life, don't I! With the washer and dryer chugging merrily along I started Got Snow from Lizzie Kate's Tiny Tidings XIV, and the SAL by
Threadbasket and C Mon Monde. I managed to get into the second round of the SAL and got the first part of the design yesterday.
I actually started it and got half the house done and then realized I'd screwed up and started it off center. That resulted in me ripping out all my progress as the piece of fabric I'd finally chosen (Enchanted Fabrics Fall Foliage - pretty funny choice considering its a winter piece LOL). So I guess take two is today. I'm still not 100% certain of my thread choices, guess I'll just make snap decisions as I go along. But then I'm still not positive on the fabric choice so this might turn out very very interesting.
At least the Lizzie Kate ornament is coming along without any headaches, should be able to complete it today. Good day to stay in, its trying to snow again.